Rock Spring Elementary School raised over $1,600 to sponsor 40 Christmas trees from Raulston Acres Christmas Tree Farm to be donated to military families.

Trees for Troops is an organization that sponsors Christmas trees to give military families living on base in the United States. Raulston Acres will be contributing 50 trees total.

Principal Kandy Gilstrap said the school partnered with Raulston Acres and raised money for this cause last year.

"We partnered with them again, and we really outdid ourselves," Gilstrap said.

They raised money through the 'Rock Spring Great Pumpkin' contest, where every teacher decorated a pumpkin.

"And then we place the pumpkins in the front lobby, and students throughout the week can vote for their favorite pumpkin by throwing their loose change in or dollars," Gilstrap said. "We're very fortunate to partner with him, and to teach our rockets, that this helps others, it spreads kindness, and it passes along Christmas cheer!"

Dan Raulston, co-owner of Raulston Acres, said he was surprised to hear how much money was raised.

"I get the phone call last week, and she (Gilstrap) says, 'We've got you 40!' and that just was a very good surprise," Raulston said.

He said at first he wondered if he had this many trees available to ship.

"Then I got to thinking about how many more families that this is going to have an impact on," Raulston said. "And I said, 'well I’m going to find those trees' and we did!"

Raulston said he is thankful for the students and their families.

"I really want to express my appreciation to them and their families for making this happen," Raulston said.

He said that a card is included in with every tree thanking military families for their service, and this year the kids at Rock Spring Elementary will be writing them.

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