For the question, 'What's the quickest way to ruin a fun day at the lake?' Chattanooga Police Sgt. Victor Miller has what may be the winning answer. "Over the last couple of days," he said, "we've had several auto break-ins in the Chickamauga Dam parking lot area." 

While you are distracted by a good time, police say these two suspects are at work.

"The victims, unfortunately, are leaving debit cards, credit cards, and things of value inside the vehicle while they're using the playground and stuff at the Chickamauga Dam area," Sgt. Miller said.

To get at the goods, this duo is apparently not above a little vandalism. "Not only breaking into windows," Miller continued, "they are also breaking the door handles off of vehicles to get inside the vehicle."

Our pictures, this week, come from their next stop after the dam.

"They're using the stores in the Gunbarrel area and then quickly using the debit cards and credit cards, getting multiple different items they can quickly resell," said Miller.

Do they look familiar? If you know them, you have probably already recognized them.

"These photos are great quality at Best Buy," Sgt. Miller said. "You should know, immediately, who they are. And, even if they're your brother, son, cousin, family member, friend, they'll never know that you called into Crime Stoppers." 

We will not ask for your name. instead, we will issue you a tip-ID number you will use all the way through collecting that reward. There is up to $1,000 cash waiting.

Sgt. Miller offered one more request for when you head out for spring and summer fun.

"If you happen to be at that park or any park," he said, "and you see someone walking from car to car and it doesn't look like it's their vehicle, call in to the police department and allow us to check that out."

If you know who our suspects are or where they hang out, call Crime Stoppers: 698-3333