Hamilton County EMS uses National Preparedness Month to prepare families for emergency situations

Here in Hamilton County, we've seen tornadoes, flooding, snowstorms, and more.

Hamilton County EMS crews want to make sure you're prepared for anything like this down the road for National Preparedness Month.

“Everybody thinks it’s not going to happen to them," said Public Relations Manager Amy Maxwell. "You just never know when those emergency situations arise.”

Maxwell is asking every family in the area to make a plan.

“Just basic, takes five minutes of your time to make sure you go over this with your family and your kids," said Maxwell.

She's doing this as part of National Preparedness Month, a month dedicated to improving plans for emergency situations.

“Grab your emergency kit, make sure you have a place to stay in case you have to evacuate your house, or if there is a tornado, to seek shelter immediately," said Maxwell. "Make sure you have those weather radios.”

Maxwell said planning comes down to running through important questions with others like figuring out evacuation plans and emergency kits.

“Some of the questions each family should remember to ask themselves is ‘How do I see my emergency alerts? Do I have a weather radio? Do I need to buy a weather radio," said Maxwell.

She added different themes each week will keep all families informed with topics like making a plan, building a kit, low-cost preparedness, and teaching children about being prepared.

“It’s time to be safe, it’s time to get prepared," said Maxwell. "Let’s stay prepared and let’s make sure we’re protecting ourselves and our loved ones.”

This week is centered around creating emergency kits with others.

You can see full lists for different types of kits online.